A system of session types is introduced as induced by a Curry Howard correspondence applied to Bounded Linear Logic, and then extending the thus obtained type system with probabilistic choices and ground types. The obtained system satisfies the expected properties, like subject reduction and progress, but also unexpected ones, like a polynomial bound on the time needed to reduce processes. This makes the system suitable for modelling experiments and proofs from the so-called computational model of cryptography.
翻译:由于CurryHoward通信适用于Bounded Linear逻辑系统,因此引入了一种会话类型系统,随后又扩展了由此获得的具有概率选择和地面类型的类型系统。获得的系统满足了预期的特性,如主题减少和进步,但也满足了意料之外的特性,如在减少过程所需时间上捆绑的多数值系统。这使得该系统适合模拟实验和所谓的加密计算模型的证明。