In many applications, to estimate a parameter or quantity of interest psi, a finite-dimensional nuisance parameter theta is estimated first. For example, many estimators in causal inference depend on the propensity score: the probability of (possibly time-dependent) treatment given the past. theta is often estimated in a first step, which can affect the variance of the estimator for psi. theta is often estimated by maximum (partial) likelihood. Inverse Probability Weighting, Marginal Structural Models and Structural Nested Models are well-known causal inference examples, where one often posits a (pooled) logistic regression model for the treatment (initiation) and/or censoring probabilities, and estimates these with standard software, so by maximum partial likelihood. Inverse Probability Weighting, Marginal Structural Models and Structural Nested Models have something else in common: they can all be shown to be based on unbiased estimating equations. This paper has four main results for estimators psi-hat based on unbiased estimating equations including theta. First, it shows that the true limiting variance of psi-hat is smaller or remains the same when theta is estimated by solving (partial) score equations, compared to if theta were known and plugged in. Second, it shows that if estimating theta using (partial) score equations is ignored, the resulting sandwich estimator for the variance of psi-hat is conservative. Third, it provides a variance correction. Fourth, it shows that if the estimator psi-hat with the true theta plugged in is efficient, the true limiting variance of psi-hat does not depend on whether or not theta is estimated, and the sandwich estimator for the variance of psi-hat ignoring estimation of theta is consistent. These findings hold in semiparametric and parametric settings where the parameters of interest psi are estimated based on unbiased estimating equations.
翻译:在许多应用程序中,为了估算利息的参数或数量 psi,先估算一个有限维度的平价变差参数。 例如, 许多因果推断的估测器取决于偏差分: 过去的治疗概率( 可能取决于时间) 。 该ta 通常在第一步中估算, 这可能会影响 psi 的估测器差异。 该ta 通常会以最大( 部分) 的可能性来估算 。 相反, 偏差、 marginal 结构模型 和结构性 Nesed 模型是众所周知的因果变异例子。 其中, 很多人常以( 集合) 的) 因果变差模型( ) 为治疗( 启动) 和/ ( 检查概率) 的偏差表示( 启动) 逻辑变差的逻辑回归模型, 以标准软件来估算。 偏偏差、 扭曲结构模型和结构模型的模型有其他共同之处: 它们都可以以公正的估计公式为基础。 本文有四个主要结果, 用于根据不偏直等值的平等值的平等的平等的平等值估算结果, 。 将平等值的平等值的平等值的平等值的平等值估算结果显示, 。