Learning enabled autonomous systems provide increased capabilities compared to traditional systems. However, the complexity of and probabilistic nature in the underlying methods enabling such capabilities present challenges for current systems engineering processes for assurance, and test, evaluation, verification, and validation (TEVV). This paper provides a preliminary attempt to map recently developed technical approaches in the assurance and TEVV of learning enabled autonomous systems (LEAS) literature to a traditional systems engineering v-model. This mapping categorizes such techniques into three main approaches: development, acquisition, and sustainment. We review the latest techniques to develop safe, reliable, and resilient learning enabled autonomous systems, without recommending radical and impractical changes to existing systems engineering processes. By performing this mapping, we seek to assist acquisition professionals by (i) informing comprehensive test and evaluation planning, and (ii) objectively communicating risk to leaders.
翻译:然而,与传统系统相比,使这种能力得以实现的基本方法的复杂性和概率性对目前的系统工程过程提出了保证、测试、评价、核查和验证(TEVV)方面的挑战。本文件初步尝试将最近开发的学习自主系统的保证技术方法和技术EVV(LEAS)文献绘制成传统系统工程学模型,将这种技术分为三个主要方法:开发、获取和维持。我们审查了发展安全、可靠和有复原力的自主系统的最新技术,不建议对现有系统工程过程进行根本和不切实际的改变。我们通过进行这一绘图,力求通过以下方式协助采购专业人员:(一) 向全面测试和评价规划提供信息;(二) 客观地向领导人通报风险。