We consider the Restricted Inverse Optimal Value Problem (RIOVSP) on trees under weighted bottleneck Hamming distance, denoted as (RIOVSPT$_{BH}$). The problem aims to minimize the total cost under weighted bottle-neck Hamming distance such that the length of the shortest root-leaf path of the tree is lower-bounded by a given value by adjusting the length of some edges. Additionally, the specified lower bound must correspond to the length of a particular root-leaf path. Through careful analysis of the problem's structural properties, we develop an algorithm with $O(n\log n)$ time complexity to solve (RIOVSPT$_{BH}$). Furthermore, by removing the path-length constraint, we derive the Minimum Cost Shortest Path Interdiction Problem on Trees (MCSPIT), for which we present an $O(n\log n)$ time algorithm that operates under weighted bottleneck Hamming distance. Extensive computational experiments demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of both algorithms.