Quantum computers are known to provide speedups over classical state-of-the-art machine learning methods in some specialized settings. For example, quantum kernel methods have been shown to provide an exponential speedup on a learning version of the discrete logarithm problem. Understanding the generalization of quantum models is essential to realizing similar speedups on problems of practical interest. Recent results demonstrate that generalization is hindered by the exponential size of the quantum feature space. Although these results suggest that quantum models cannot generalize when the number of qubits is large, in this paper we show that these results rely on overly restrictive assumptions. We consider a wider class of models by varying a hyperparameter that we call quantum kernel bandwidth. We analyze the large-qubit limit and provide explicit formulas for the generalization of a quantum model that can be solved in closed form. Specifically, we show that changing the value of the bandwidth can take a model from provably not being able to generalize to any target function to good generalization for well-aligned targets. Our analysis shows how the bandwidth controls the spectrum of the kernel integral operator and thereby the inductive bias of the model. We demonstrate empirically that our theory correctly predicts how varying the bandwidth affects generalization of quantum models on challenging datasets, including those far outside our theoretical assumptions. We discuss the implications of our results for quantum advantage in machine learning.
翻译:量子计算机已知在某些专门环境下可以提供典型最先进的机器学习方法的超速。 例如, 量子内核方法已经显示能够提供离子对数问题学习版本的指数加速。 了解量子模型的普及对于实现对实际感兴趣的问题的类似超速至关重要。 近期结果显示, 量子特性空间的指数大小妨碍了一般化。 虽然这些结果显示量子模型无法在量子特性空间的指数性大小下进行超速化, 但在本文件中我们表明,这些结果依赖于过度限制性的假设。 我们用一个不同的超单计来考虑较宽的模型,我们称之为量子内核带宽的宽度加速。 我们分析大量子值限制,并为量子模型的通用化提供了明确的公式,可以以封闭的形式解决类似的问题。 具体地说, 我们表明, 改变带宽值的价值可以采取一种模型, 而不是能够概括到任何目标功能, 良好地概括化目标。 我们的分析表明, 这些结果如何控制内核整体操作者的频谱范围, 我们称之为量子内核带宽带宽带宽带带带宽度带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽宽宽宽宽宽宽宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽宽宽宽宽带宽带宽宽宽宽宽带宽带宽带宽宽带宽带宽带宽宽宽宽宽宽宽宽宽宽带宽带宽带宽宽宽宽宽宽宽宽宽宽宽宽宽宽宽宽宽宽宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽宽宽带宽带宽带宽带宽带宽宽宽宽带宽宽宽宽带宽带宽带宽带宽宽宽宽宽宽宽宽带宽