We discuss the organisation of internet communities, focusing on what we call the principle of "bait and switch": founders of internet communities often find it advantageous to recruit members by promising inducements which are later not honoured. We look at some of the dilemmas and ways of attempting to resolve them through two paradigmatic examples, Wikispaces and Wordpress. Our analysis is to a large extent motivated by the demands of CALLector, a university-centred social network we are in the process of establishing. We consider the question of what ethical standards are imposed on universities engaged in this type of activity.
翻译:我们讨论网络社群的组织问题, 重点是所谓的“打和交换”原则:互联网社群的创始人往往发现通过许诺的诱因来招募会员是有好处的,这些诱因后来得不到遵守。我们审视了一些困境,以及试图通过两个范例,即维基空间和Wordpress来解决这些难题的方法。我们的分析在很大程度上是出于Callector(一个我们正在建立的以大学为中心的社会网络)的要求。我们考虑了对从事这类活动的大学实行何种道德标准的问题。