Neural volume rendering enables photo-realistic renderings of a human performer in free-view, a critical task in immersive VR/AR applications. But the practice is severely limited by high computational costs in the rendering process. To solve this problem, we propose the UV Volumes, a new approach that can render an editable free-view video of a human performer in realtime. It separates the high-frequency (i.e., non-smooth) human appearance from the 3D volume, and encodes them into 2D neural texture stacks (NTS). The smooth UV volumes allow much smaller and shallower neural networks to obtain densities and texture coordinates in 3D while capturing detailed appearance in 2D NTS. For editability, the mapping between the parameterized human model and the smooth texture coordinates allows us a better generalization on novel poses and shapes. Furthermore, the use of NTS enables interesting applications, e.g., retexturing. Extensive experiments on CMU Panoptic, ZJU Mocap, and H36M datasets show that our model can render 960 * 540 images in 30FPS on average with comparable photo-realism to state-of-the-art methods. The project and supplementary materials are available at
翻译:为了解决这个问题,我们建议了UV卷,这是一个可以实时编辑人类表演者可自由观看的新的方法。它可以将高频(即非mooth)人类外观与3D卷区分开来,并将其编码为2D神经质素堆(NTS),光滑的UV卷允许使用更小、更浅的神经网络获取3D的密度和纹理坐标,同时在2D NTS中捕捉详细的外观。对于可编辑性,在参数化人类模型和光滑的纹理坐标之间绘制地图,使我们能够更好地概括新的外观和形状。此外,使用NTS系统可以进行有趣的应用,例如,重新显示。关于CMU60光学、ZJU Mocap和H36MM-Resty的广博实验,使3D的密度和浅度线性神经网络在3DNTS中获得更小得多的坐标和纹理坐标坐标。对于2DNTS。对于可编辑的人类模型模型和图案30S-FS的可比较方法,在模型中显示我们可比较的30S-FPMS的模型和可图象的模型中可比较的图象。