We propose a new type of efficient deep-unrolling networks for solving imaging inverse problems. Conventional deep-unrolling methods require full forward operator and its adjoint across each layer, and hence can be significantly more expensive computationally as compared with other end-to-end methods that are based on post-processing of model-based reconstructions, especially for 3D image reconstruction tasks. We develop a stochastic (ordered-subsets) variant of the classical learned primal-dual (LPD), which is a state-of-the-art unrolling network for tomographic image reconstruction. The proposed learned stochastic primal-dual (LSPD) network only uses subsets of the forward and adjoint operators and offers considerable computational efficiency. We provide theoretical analysis of a special case of our LSPD framework, suggesting that it has the potential to achieve image reconstruction quality competitive with the full-batch LPD while requiring only a fraction of the computation. The numerical results for two different X-ray computed tomography (CT) imaging tasks (namely, low-dose and sparse-view CT) corroborate this theoretical finding, demonstrating the promise of LSPD networks for large-scale imaging problems.