Traffic systems can operate in different modes. In a previous work, we identified these modes as different quasi-stationary states in the correlation structure. Here, we analyze the transitions between such quasi-stationary states, i.e., how the system changes its operational mode. In the longer run this might be helpful to forecast the time evolution of correlation patterns in traffic. We take Cologne orbital motorways as an example, we construct a state transition network for each quarter of 2015 and find a seasonal dependence for those quasi-stationary states in the traffic system. Using the PageRank algorithm, we identify and explore the dominant states which occur frequently within a moving time window of 60 days in 2015. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study of this type for traffic systems.
翻译:交通系统可以不同方式运作。 在先前的一项工作中, 我们将这些模式确定为相关结构中不同的准静止状态。 在这里, 我们分析这些准静止状态之间的转型, 即系统如何改变其运行模式。 从长远来看, 这可能有助于预测交通相关模式的时间演变。 我们以科隆轨道高速公路为例, 我们为2015年每一季度建立一个州过渡网络, 并为交通系统中的这些准静止状态找到季节依赖性。 我们使用PageRank算法, 我们发现并探索在2015年60天的移动时间窗口中经常出现的主导状态。 据我们所知, 这是我们对交通系统的首个此类类型的研究。</s>