Scoring rules are aimed at evaluation of the quality of predictions, but can also be used for estimation of parameters in statistical models. We propose estimating parameters of multivariate spatial models by maximising the average leave-one-out cross-validation score. This method, LOOS, thus optimises predictions instead of maximising the likelihood. The method allows for fast computations for Gaussian models with sparse precision matrices, such as spatial Markov models. It also makes it possible to tailor the estimator's robustness to outliers and their sensitivity to spatial variations of uncertainty through the choice of the scoring rule which is used in the maximisation. The effects of the choice of scoring rule which is used in LOOS are studied by simulation in terms of computation time, statistical efficiency, and robustness. Various popular scoring rules and a new scoring rule, the root score, are compared to maximum likelihood estimation. The results confirmed that for spatial Markov models the computation time for LOOS was much smaller than for maximum likelihood estimation. Furthermore, the standard deviations of parameter estimates were smaller for maximum likelihood estimation, although the differences often were small. The simulations also confirmed that the usage of a robust scoring rule results in robust LOOS estimates and that the robustness provides better predictive quality for spatial data with outliers. Finally, the new inference method was applied to ERA5 temperature reanalysis data for the contiguous United States and the average July temperature for the years 1940 to 2023, and this showed that the LOOS estimator provided parameter estimates that were more than a hundred times faster to compute compared to maximum-likelihood estimation, and resulted in a model with better predictive performance.