In this work, we are interested in the stability and robustness of the parameter estimation in the Zero-Inflated Bernoulli (ZIBer) model, when the susceptible probability (SP) model is modeled by numerous different binary models: logit, probit, cloglog and generalized extreme value (GEV). To address this problem, we propose the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) method to check its performance when different SP models are considered. Based on numerical evidences through simulation studies and the analysis of a real data set, it can be seen that the MLE approach has provided accurate and reliable inferences. In addition, it can also be seen that for the empirical analysis, the probit-ZIBer model is probably more suitable for the fishing data set than the other models considered in this study. Besides, the results obtained in the experimental analysis are also very consistent, compatible and very meaningful in practice. It will help us to understand the importance of increasing production while fishing.