Variational quantum Monte Carlo (VMC) combined with neural-network quantum states offers a novel angle of attack on the curse-of-dimensionality encountered in a particular class of partial differential equations (PDEs); namely, the real- and imaginary time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation. In this paper, we present a simple generalization of VMC applicable to arbitrary time-dependent PDEs, showcasing the technique in the multi-asset Black-Scholes PDE for pricing European options contingent on many correlated underlying assets.
翻译:Monte Carlo(VMC)变化量子加上神经网络量子状态,为攻击在特定类别的部分差异方程式(PDEs)中遇到的维度诅咒提供了一个新的角度;即真实和想象中的时间依赖 Schr\\'dinger 等式。 在本文中,我们简单概括了VMC适用于任意时间依赖的PDE,展示了多资产黑细胞PDE中根据许多相关基本资产对欧洲选项定价的技术。