Although deep learning models for abnormality classification can perform well in screening mammography, the demographic, imaging, and clinical characteristics associated with increased risk of model failure remain unclear. This retrospective study uses the Emory BrEast Imaging Dataset(EMBED) containing mammograms from 115931 patients imaged at Emory Healthcare between 2013-2020, with BI-RADS assessment, region of interest coordinates for abnormalities, imaging features, pathologic outcomes, and patient demographics. Multiple deep learning models were trained to distinguish between abnormal tissue patches and randomly selected normal tissue patches from screening mammograms. We assessed model performance by subgroups defined by age, race, pathologic outcome, tissue density, and imaging characteristics and investigated their associations with false negatives (FN) and false positives (FP). We also performed multivariate logistic regression to control for confounding between subgroups. The top-performing model, ResNet152V2, achieved accuracy of 92.6%(95%CI=92.0-93.2%), and AUC 0.975(95%CI=0.972-0.978). Before controlling for confounding, nearly all subgroups showed statistically significant differences in model performance. However, after controlling for confounding, we found lower FN risk associates with Other race(RR=0.828;p=.050), biopsy-proven benign lesions(RR=0.927;p=.011), and mass(RR=0.921;p=.010) or asymmetry(RR=0.854;p=.040); higher FN risk associates with architectural distortion (RR=1.037;p<.001). Higher FP risk associates to BI-RADS density C(RR=1.891;p<.001) and D(RR=2.486;p<.001). Our results demonstrate subgroup analysis is important in mammogram classifier performance evaluation, and controlling for confounding between subgroups elucidates the true associations between variables and model failure. These results can help guide developing future breast cancer detection models.