An important property of concurrent objects is whether they support progress -a special case of liveness-guarantees, which ensure the termination of individual method calls under system fairness assumptions. Liveness properties have been proposed for concurrent objects. Typical liveness properties includelock-freedom,wait-freedom,deadlock-freedom,starvation-freedom and obstruction-freedom. It is known that the five liveness properties above are decidable on the Sequential Consistency (SC) memory model for a bounded number of processes. However, the problem of decidability of liveness for finite state concurrent programs running on relaxed memory models remains open. In this paper we address this problem for the Total Store Order (TSO) memory model,as found in the x86 architecture. We prove that lock-freedom, wait-freedom,deadlock-freedom and starvation-freedom are undecidable on TSO for a bounded number of processes, while obstruction-freedom is decidable.
翻译:并行物体的一个重要属性是它们是否支持进步 -- -- 这是在系统公平假设下确保终止个别方法呼叫的特殊案例。 提出了并行物体的生命属性。 典型的生活属性包括锁自由、 等待自由、 死锁自由、 饥饿自由、 阻挠自由。 众所周知, 上面的五个生命属性在一系列封闭过程的序列连接记忆模型上是可变的。 然而, 使用宽松记忆模型运行的限定状态同时程序, 生活状态的衰落问题仍然开放。 在本文中, 我们讨论这个问题, 用于X86 结构中的“ 全面存储命令” 记忆模型。 我们证明, 锁定自由、 等待自由、 死锁自由、 饥饿自由对于一定数量的流程来说是不可变的, 而阻碍自由则是可变的。