Quantization based model compression serves as high performing and fast approach for inference that yields models which are highly compressed when compared to their full-precision floating point counterparts. The most extreme quantization is a 1-bit representation of parameters such that they have only two possible values, typically -1(0) or +1, enabling efficient implementation of the ubiquitous dot product using only additions. The main contribution of this work is the introduction of a method to smooth the combinatorial problem of determining a binary vector of weights to minimize the expected loss for a given objective by means of empirical risk minimization with backpropagation. This is achieved by approximating a multivariate binary state over the weights utilizing a deterministic and differentiable transformation of real-valued, continuous parameters. The proposed method adds little overhead in training, can be readily applied without any substantial modifications to the original architecture, does not introduce additional saturating nonlinearities or auxiliary losses, and does not prohibit applying other methods for binarizing the activations. Contrary to common assertions made in the literature, it is demonstrated that binary weighted networks can train well with the same standard optimization techniques and similar hyperparameter settings as their full-precision counterparts, specifically momentum SGD with large learning rates and $L_2$ regularization. To conclude experiments demonstrate the method performs remarkably well across a number of inductive image classification tasks with various architectures compared to their full-precision counterparts. The source code is publicly available at https://bitbucket.org/YanivShu/binary_weighted_networks_public.
翻译:以量子化为基础的模型压缩是一种高性能和快速的方法,可以推断出模型与完全精度浮点对等的模型相比高度压缩。最极端的四分制是一个一比位的参数表示,因此它们只有两种可能的值,通常为-1(0)或+1,能够仅使用附加值有效地实施无处不在的点产品。这项工作的主要贡献是引入一种方法,以平息确定一个重量的二进制矢量的组合性问题,以通过用反向调整来尽量减少实验风险最小化特定目标的预期损失。这是通过对重量进行约一比一比一的二进位的参数表示,使用实际价值和连续参数的确定性和可区别的转换。拟议方法在不对原始结构作任何重大修改的情况下可以很容易地应用,不会引入额外的饱和非线性或辅助性损失,也不禁止采用其他方法来进行激活。 与文献中通用的比对数值的比对数值的平比度2,它展示了相对的多变的二进式的二进式二分位状态, 具体地展示了Sral-alalal-al-dealal-altial-deal-altial commailtial commailtical commax comdu 。它能在高级的模型中学习了它们在完全的高级的进度制成一个完整的高级的进度制成一个完整的基础,它可以学习成一个相同的压式的高级结构, 。