BliStr is a system that automatically develops strategies for E prover on a large set of problems. The main idea is to interleave (i) iterated low-timelimit local search for new strategies on small sets of similar easy problems with (ii) higher-timelimit evaluation of the new strategies on all problems. The accumulated results of the global higher-timelimit runs are used to define and evolve the notion of "similar easy problems", and to control the selection of the next strategy to be improved. The technique was used to significantly strengthen the set of E strategies used by the MaLARea, PS-E, E-MaLeS, and E systems in the CASC@Turing 2012 competition, particularly in the Mizar division. Similar improvement was obtained on the problems created from the Flyspeck corpus.
翻译:BliStr是一个系统,自动为E证明大量问题制定战略,其主要思想是:(一) 间歇(一) 重复在本地就类似的简易小问题重复采用低时限新战略;(二) 对所有问题的新战略进行更长时间的评价;全球较高时限的累积结果被用来界定和演变“类似简易问题”的概念,并控制下一个有待改进的战略的选择;该技术被用来大大加强MaLARea、PS-E、E-MaLeS和E系统在CASC@Turing 2012竞争中使用的一套E战略,特别是在Mizar分区;在Flyspeck Campistration产生的问题上也取得了类似的改进。