Despite great progress in multimodal tracking, these trackers remain too heavy and expensive for resource-constrained devices. To alleviate this problem, we propose LightFC-X, a family of lightweight convolutional RGB-X trackers that explores a unified convolutional architecture for lightweight multimodal tracking. Our core idea is to achieve lightweight cross-modal modeling and joint refinement of the multimodal features and the spatiotemporal appearance features of the target. Specifically, we propose a novel efficient cross-attention module (ECAM) and a novel spatiotemporal template aggregation module (STAM). The ECAM achieves lightweight cross-modal interaction of template-search area integrated feature with only 0.08M parameters. The STAM enhances the model's utilization of temporal information through module fine-tuning paradigm. Comprehensive experiments show that our LightFC-X achieves state-of-the-art performance and the optimal balance between parameters, performance, and speed. For example, LightFC-T-ST outperforms CMD by 4.3% and 5.7% in SR and PR on the LasHeR benchmark, which it achieves 2.6x reduction in parameters and 2.7x speedup. It runs in real-time on the CPU at a speed of 22 fps. The code is available at