Modeling and manipulating elasto-plastic objects are essential capabilities for robots to perform complex industrial and household interaction tasks (e.g., stuffing dumplings, rolling sushi, and making pottery). However, due to the high degree of freedom of elasto-plastic objects, significant challenges exist in virtually every aspect of the robotic manipulation pipeline, e.g., representing the states, modeling the dynamics, and synthesizing the control signals. We propose to tackle these challenges by employing a particle-based representation for elasto-plastic objects in a model-based planning framework. Our system, RoboCraft, only assumes access to raw RGBD visual observations. It transforms the sensing data into particles and learns a particle-based dynamics model using graph neural networks (GNNs) to capture the structure of the underlying system. The learned model can then be coupled with model-predictive control (MPC) algorithms to plan the robot's behavior. We show through experiments that with just 10 minutes of real-world robotic interaction data, our robot can learn a dynamics model that can be used to synthesize control signals to deform elasto-plastic objects into various target shapes, including shapes that the robot has never encountered before. We perform systematic evaluations in both simulation and the real world to demonstrate the robot's manipulation capabilities and ability to generalize to a more complex action space, different tool shapes, and a mixture of motion modes. We also conduct comparisons between RoboCraft and untrained human subjects controlling the gripper to manipulate deformable objects in both simulation and the real world. Our learned model-based planning framework is comparable to and sometimes better than human subjects on the tested tasks.
翻译:模拟和操控变塑器物体是机器人执行复杂的工业和家庭互动任务(例如,堆叠垃圾、滚动寿司和陶瓷)的基本能力。然而,由于变塑塑料物体高度自由,机器人操纵管道的几乎每个方面都存在重大挑战,例如代表国家、模拟动态和合成控制信号。我们提议通过在基于模型的规划框架中对变塑器物体使用粒子代表来应对这些挑战。我们的系统RoboCft(RoboCft)只接受原始RGBD视觉观测。它将感测数据转换成粒子并学习一个基于粒子的动态模型,利用图形神经网络(GNNS)来捕捉取基本系统的结构。所学的模型可以与模型预测控制控制机器人行为的方法(MPC)的算法相结合。我们通过实验在不光速的机器人互动数据之间只需10分钟,我们的机器人模型(RobotCraft)只能接受原始 RGBD视觉观察观察观察观察。它能将感测数据转换成一个真实的变形模型,包括系统化动作模型,我们可以用来对机器人操作的动作进行更精确的模型,我们用来对等的机器人操作操作的模型进行模拟,我们可以用来分析。