Although deep learning algorithms have been intensively developed for computer-aided tuberculosis diagnosis (CTD), they mainly depend on carefully annotated datasets, leading to much time and resource consumption. Weakly supervised learning (WSL), which leverages coarse-grained labels to accomplish fine-grained tasks, has the potential to solve this problem. In this paper, we first propose a new large-scale tuberculosis (TB) chest X-ray dataset, namely the tuberculosis chest X-ray attribute dataset (TBX-Att), and then establish an attribute-assisted weakly-supervised framework to classify and localize TB by leveraging the attribute information to overcome the insufficiency of supervision in WSL scenarios. Specifically, first, the TBX-Att dataset contains 2000 X-ray images with seven kinds of attributes for TB relational reasoning, which are annotated by experienced radiologists. It also includes the public TBX11K dataset with 11200 X-ray images to facilitate weakly supervised detection. Second, we exploit a multi-scale feature interaction model for TB area classification and detection with attribute relational reasoning. The proposed model is evaluated on the TBX-Att dataset and will serve as a solid baseline for future research. The code and data will be available at
翻译:虽然已经为计算机辅助结核病诊断(CTD)制定了深入的学习算法,但它们主要依赖经过仔细附加说明的数据集,导致大量的时间和资源消耗。 微弱监督的学习(WSL),利用粗粗的标记标记完成细微的细微任务,具有解决这一问题的潜力。 在本文中,我们首先提出一个新的大型结核病胸前X射线数据集,即结核病胸X射线属性数据集(TBX-Att),然后建立一个特制辅助的微弱监督框架,通过利用属性信息来克服WSL情景中监督不足的问题,对结核病进行分类和本地化。 具体地说,TBX-Att数据集包含2000 X光图像,有七种结核病关系推理的属性,有经验丰富的放射学家作说明。 本文中还提出了带有11200 X-X光图像的公众TBX11K数据集,以便利进行薄弱的监控检测。 其次,我们利用一个多尺度的特征互动模型,用于TB区域分类和检测,并用属性关系推理学/Z。 提议的数据模型将用来评估未来数据。