The present work is devoted to strong approximations of a generalized A\"{i}t-Sahalia model arising from mathematical finance. The numerical study of the considered model faces essential difficulties caused by a drift that blows up at the origin, highly nonlinear drift and diffusion coefficients and positivity-preserving requirement. In this paper, a novel explicit Euler-type scheme is proposed, which is easily implementable and able to preserve positivity of the original model unconditionally, i.e., for any time step-size $h >0$. A mean-square convergence rate of order $0.5$ is also obtained for the proposed scheme in both non-critical and general critical cases. Our work is motivated by the need to justify the multi-level Monte Carlo (MLMC) simulations for the underlying model, where the rate of mean-square convergence is required and the preservation of positivity is desirable particularly for large discretization time steps. Numerical experiments are finally provided to confirm the theoretical findings.