Bridging the gap between quantum software and hardware, recent research proposed a quantum control microarchitecture QuMA which implements the quantum microinstruction set QuMIS. However, QuMIS does not offer feedback control, and is tightly bound to the hardware implementation. Also, as the number of qubits grows, QuMA cannot fetch and execute instructions fast enough to apply all operations on qubits on time. Known as the quantum operation issue rate problem, this limitation is aggravated by the low information density of QuMIS instructions. In this paper, we propose an executable quantum instruction set architecture (QISA), called eQASM, that can be translated from the quantum assembly language (QASM), supports feedback, and is executed on a quantum control microarchitecture. eQASM alleviates the quantum operation issue rate problem by efficient timing specification, single-operation-multiple-qubit execution, and a very-long-instruction-word architecture. The definition of eQASM focuses on the assembly level to be expressive. Quantum operations are configured at compile time instead of being defined at QISA design time. We instantiate eQASM into a 32-bit instruction set targeting a seven-qubit superconducting quantum processor. We validate our design by performing several experiments on a two-qubit quantum processor.
翻译:最近的研究缩小了量子软件和硬件之间的差距,提出了量子控制微工程QuMA, 以实施量子微测试设置的QIMIS。 但是, QIMIS并不提供反馈控制, 并且与硬件的安装紧密相连。 此外, 随着量子控制微结构数量的增长, QuMA无法快速地获取和执行指示, 以便及时应用量子上的所有操作。 被称为量子操作率问题, 这一限制因QIMIS指令的信息密度低而更加严重。 在本文件中, 我们提议了一个可执行量子指令集结构(QISA), 称为 eQASM, 它可以从量子组装语言(QASM) 翻译, 支持反馈, 并且以量子控制微结构执行。 eQIMA无法通过高效的时间规格、 单一合作- 多位执行和非常长的教学语言结构来缓解量子操作率问题。 eQASSM 定义的可执行量子指令结构, 以组装在组装层次一级为明确表达。 QAS- 操作可以从量子组群子进程中将一个我们数级指令的量级系统设计系统, 在确定一个时间上, 将一个我们数位子系统 级指令的进度上, 将一个定出一个我们数级进程 。