ASCENT is a fully automated methodology for extracting and consolidating commonsense assertions from web contents (Nguyen et al., WWW 2021). It advances traditional triple-based commonsense knowledge representation by capturing semantic facets like locations and purposes, and composite concepts, i.e., subgroups and related aspects of subjects. In this demo, we present a web portal that allows users to understand its construction process, explore its content, and observe its impact in the use case of question answering. The demo website and an introductory video are both available online.
翻译:ASCENT是一种完全自动化的方法,从网络内容(Nguyen等人,WWW 2021)中提取和整合常识主张,它通过捕捉地点和目的等语义方面和综合概念(即分组和主题的相关方面),促进传统的三重常识的常识代表性。在这个演示中,我们展示了一个网络门户,使用户能够了解其构建过程,探索其内容,并观察其在使用回答问题案例方面的影响。演示网站和介绍性视频都可在网上查阅。