Argument mining automatically identifies and extracts the structure of inference and reasoning conveyed in natural language arguments. To the best of our knowledge, most of the state-of-the-art works in this field have focused on using tree-like structures and linguistic modeling. But, these approaches are not able to model more complex structures which are often found in online forums and real world argumentation structures. In this paper, a novel methodology for argument mining is proposed which employs attention-based embeddings for link prediction to model the causational hierarchies in typical argument structures prevalent in online discourse.
翻译:参数采矿自动辨别和摘录自然语言论据中所传达的推论和推理结构。 据我们所知,该领域大多数最先进的工程都侧重于使用树类结构和语言建模。但是,这些方法无法建模在网上论坛和真实世界争论结构中常见的更复杂的结构。本文提出了一个新的理论采矿方法,利用基于关注的嵌入法,将预测与模拟在网上讨论中普遍存在的典型争论结构中的因果关系等级挂钩。</s>