We present our work on a fast route planner based on visibility graph. The method extracts edge points around obstacles in the environment to form polygons, with which, the method dynamically updates a global visibility graph, expanding the visibility graph along with the navigation and removing edges that become occluded by dynamic obstacles. When guiding a vehicle to the goal, the method can deal with both known and unknown environments. In the latter case, the method is attemptable in discovering a way to the goal by picking up the environment layout on the fly. We evaluate the method using both ground and aerial vehicles, in simulated and real-world settings. In highly convoluted unknown or partially known environments, our method is able to reduce travel time by 13-27% compared to RRT*, RRT-Connect, A*, and D* Lite, and finds a path within 3ms in all of our experiments.
翻译:我们根据可见度图形展示了我们关于快速路线规划仪的工作。 该方法提取环境障碍周围的边缘点,以形成多边形。 与之相比, 该方法能动态地更新一个全球可见度图形, 将可见度图形与动态障碍所覆盖的边缘一起扩大。 当引导一个飞行器走向目标时, 该方法可以同时处理已知和未知的环境。 在后一种情况下, 该方法可以尝试通过采集飞行上的环境布局来发现实现目标的途径。 我们用模拟和现实世界环境中的地面和航空飞行器来评估该方法。 在高度复杂、未知或部分已知的环境中, 我们的方法能够将旅行时间减少13-27%, 与RRT*、 RRT- Connect、 A* 和 D* 利特相比, 并在我们所有实验中发现一条3米以内的路径。