The skeleton-based action recognition attracts practitioners and researchers due to the lightweight, compact nature of datasets. Compared with RGB-video-based action recognition, skeleton-based action recognition is a safer way to protect the privacy of subjects while having competitive recognition performance. However, due to the improvements of skeleton estimation algorithms as well as motion- and depth-sensors, more details of motion characteristics can be preserved in the skeleton dataset, leading to a potential privacy leakage from the dataset. To investigate the potential privacy leakage from the skeleton datasets, we first train a classifier to categorize sensitive private information from a trajectory of joints. Experiments show the model trained to classify gender can predict with 88% accuracy and re-identify a person with 82% accuracy. We propose two variants of anonymization algorithms to protect the potential privacy leakage from the skeleton dataset. Experimental results show that the anonymized dataset can reduce the risk of privacy leakage while having marginal effects on the action recognition performance.
翻译:基于骨骼的行动识别由于数据集的轻重和紧凑性质而吸引了从业者和研究人员。与基于 RGB 的视频行动识别相比,基于骨骼的行动识别是一种在具有竞争性的识别性的同时保护主体隐私的更安全的方法。然而,由于骨架估计算法以及运动和深度传感器的改进,可以在骨架数据集中保存更多关于运动特征的细节,从而可能导致从数据集中泄漏隐私。为了调查骨架数据集潜在的隐私渗漏,我们首先训练一个分类员从联合体轨迹中对敏感私人信息进行分类。实验显示,经过培训的性别分类模型可以准确预测88%,并准确重新识别82%的人。我们提出了两个匿名算法变式,以保护骨架数据集潜在的隐私渗漏。实验结果显示,匿名数据集可以减少隐私渗漏的风险,同时对行动识别性效果影响不大。