In simplicial complexes it is well known that many of the global properties of the complex, can be deduced from expansion properties of its links. This phenomenon was first discovered by Garland [G]. In this work we develop a local to global machinery for general posets. We first show that the basic localization principle of Garland generalizes to more general posets. We then show that notable local to global theorems for simplicial complexes arise from general principles for general posets with expanding links. Specifically, we prove the following theorems for general posets satisfying some assumptions: Expanding links (one sided expansion) imply fast convergence of high dimensional random walks (generalization [KO,AL]); Expanding links imply Trickling down theorem (generalizing [O]); and a poset has expanding links (with two sided expansion) iff it satisfies a global random walk convergence property (generalization [DDFH]). We axiomatize general conditions on posets that imply local to global theorems. By developing this local to global machinery for general posets we discover that some posets behave better than simplicial complexes with respect to local to global implications. Specifically, we get a trickling down theorem for some posets (e.g. the Grassmanian poset) which is better behaved than the trickling down theorem known for simplicial complexes. In addition to this machinery, we also present a method to construct a new poset out of a pair of an initial poset and an auxiliary simplicial complex. By applying this procedure to the case where the pair is the Grassmanian poset and a bounded degree high dimensional expander, we obtain a bounded degree Grassmanian poset. We prove, using the tools described above, that this poset is a bounded degree expanding Grassmanian poset, partially proving a conjecture of [DDFH].
翻译:在简单复杂的情况下,众所周知,该综合体的许多全球特性可以从其链接的扩展特性中推断出来。 这种现象最初由 Garland (G) 首次发现。 在这项工作中, 我们开发了一个本地到全球的普通变形机器。 我们首先显示, Garland 的基本本地化原则一般化为一般变形。 我们然后显示, 简化复合的局部至全球的局部理论产生于普通变形的一般原则。 具体地说, 我们证明, 普通变形的构造有以下的逻辑性能符合某些假设: 扩大链接( 一个侧面扩展) 意味着高度随机行走( 通用变形( KO, AL) 快速融合; 扩大链接意味着变形变形( 普通变形( O) ) 基本变形原则化。 如果能满足全球随机行走趋形的属性( 缩影化 (DDDFH) ), 我们所知道的变形的一般条件比全球变形的变形更复杂。 通过开发这个本地的变形机器, 将一个更精确的变形到更精确的变形过程。