Linear complementary dual (LCD) codes are linear codes which intersect their dual codes trivially, which have been of interest and extensively studied due to its wide applications. In this paper, we give some methods for constructing LCD codes over small fields by modifying some typical methods for constructing linear codes. We show that all odd-like binary LCD codes, ternary LCD codes and quaternary Hermitian LCD codes can be constructed using the modified methods. We also construct a lot of optimal binary LCD codes, ternary LCD codes and quaternary Hermitian LCD codes, which improve the known lower bounds on the largest minimum weights. Furthermore, we give two counterexamples to disprove the conjecture proposed by Bouyuklieva (Des. Codes Cryptogr. 89(11): 2445-2461, 2021).
翻译:线性互补双轨(LCD)代码是线性代码,由于其广泛应用而引起人们的兴趣并进行了广泛研究。在本文中,我们通过修改某些典型的线性代码构建方法,为在小领域建立LCD代码提供了一些方法。我们表明,所有奇异的二进式LCD代码、长期LCD代码和四进制的Hermitian LCD代码都可以使用修改的方法构建。我们还建立了许多最佳的二进制LCD代码、长期LCD代码和四进制的Hermitian LCD代码,这些代码改进了已知的最大最小重量的较低界限。此外,我们提供了两种对应示例,以否定Booyuklieva提出的猜想(Des. Codecolptogr. 89(11) :2445-2461, 2021)。