Individuals' satisfaction with their nuclear and extended family plays a critical role in individuals everyday life. Thus, a better understanding of the features that determine one's satisfaction with her family can open the door to the design of better sociological policies. To this end, this study examines the relationship between the family tree graph and family members' satisfaction with their nuclear and extended family. We collected data from 486 families which included a family tree graph and family members' satisfaction with each other. We obtain a model that is able to explain 75\% of the family members' satisfaction with one another. We found three indicators for more satisfied families. First, larger families, on average, have more satisfied members. Moreover, families with kids from the same parents - i.e., without step-siblings also express more satisfaction from both their siblings and parents when the children are already adults. Lastly, the average satisfaction of the family's oldest alive generation has a positive linear and non-linear correlation with the satisfaction of the entire extended family.