A \emph{mixed interval graph} is an interval graph that has, for every pair of intersecting intervals, either an arc (directed arbitrarily) or an (undirected) edge. We are particularly interested in scenarios where edges and arcs are defined by the geometry of intervals. In a proper coloring of a mixed interval graph $G$, an interval $u$ receives a lower (different) color than an interval $v$ if $G$ contains arc $(u,v)$ (edge $\{u,v\}$). Coloring of mixed graphs has applications, for example, in scheduling with precedence constraints; see a survey by Sotskov [Mathematics, 2020]. For coloring general mixed interval graphs, we present a $\min \{\omega(G), \lambda(G)+1 \}$-approximation algorithm, where $\omega(G)$ is the size of a largest clique and $\lambda(G)$ is the length of a longest directed path in $G$. For the subclass of \emph{bidirectional interval graphs} (introduced recently for an application in graph drawing), we show that optimal coloring is NP-hard. This was known for general mixed interval graphs. We introduce a new natural class of mixed interval graphs, which we call \emph{containment interval graphs}. In such a graph, there is an arc $(u,v)$ if interval $u$ contains interval $v$, and there is an edge $\{u,v\}$ if $u$ and $v$ overlap. We show that these graphs can be recognized in polynomial time, that coloring them with the minimum number of colors is NP-hard, and that there is a 2-approximation algorithm for coloring.