Due to morphological similarity at the microscopic level, making an accurate and time-sensitive distinction between blood cells affected by Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) and their healthy counterparts calls for the usage of machine learning architectures. However, three of the most common models, VGG, ResNet, and Inception, each come with their own set of flaws with room for improvement which demands the need for a superior model. ALLNet, the proposed hybrid convolutional neural network architecture, consists of a combination of the VGG, ResNet, and Inception models. The ALL Challenge dataset of ISBI 2019 (available here) contains 10,691 images of white blood cells which were used to train and test the models. 7,272 of the images in the dataset are of cells with ALL and 3,419 of them are of healthy cells. Of the images, 60% were used to train the model, 20% were used for the cross-validation set, and 20% were used for the test set. ALLNet outperformed the VGG, ResNet, and the Inception models across the board, achieving an accuracy of 92.6567%, a sensitivity of 95.5304%, a specificity of 85.9155%, an AUC score of 0.966347, and an F1 score of 0.94803 in the cross-validation set. In the test set, ALLNet achieved an accuracy of 92.0991%, a sensitivity of 96.5446%, a specificity of 82.8035%, an AUC score of 0.959972, and an F1 score of 0.942963. The utilization of ALLNet in the clinical workspace can better treat the thousands of people suffering from ALL across the world, many of whom are children.
翻译:由于微观层面的形态相似性,对受急性淋巴细胞(ALL)影响的血细胞及其健康对应方进行了准确和时间敏感的区分。然而,三种最常见的模型(VGG、ResNet和Inption)中,每个模型都有其自身的缺陷,需要更好的模型。AllNet, 拟议的混合神经神经网络结构,由VGG、ResNet和感知模型的组合组成。ISBI 2019(这里有)的All Challenge数据集包含10,691个白血细胞图像,用于培训和测试模型。然而,三个最常用的模型(VGG、ResNet和Inpreality)中的三个模型(VGG、ResNet和它们的健康对应者)中都有10,691个。 VG、ResNet 20919(这里有)中包含10,694的白血细胞图像,用来培训和测试模型。 7,27 与ALL和3,其中的细胞,其中60%用于培训模型,20%用于交叉校验,20%用于测试集。 AL-65的患者,一个更好的VGG、ResNet的精确度,954, 和503的直径的直径的直径的精确的精确度。