Forming the right combination of students in a group promises to enable a powerful and effective environment for learning and collaboration. However, defining a group of students is a complex task which has to satisfy multiple constraints. This work introduces an unsupervised algorithm for fair and skill-diverse student group formation. This is achieved by taking account of student course marks and sensitive attributes provided by the education office. The skill sets of students are determined using unsupervised dimensionality reduction of course mark data via the Laplacian eigenmap. The problem is formulated as a constrained graph partitioning problem, whereby the diversity of skill sets in each group are maximised, group sizes are upper and lower bounded according to available resources, and `balance' of a sensitive attribute is lower bounded to enforce fairness in group formation. This optimisation problem is solved using integer programming and its effectiveness is demonstrated on a dataset of student course marks from Imperial College London.
翻译:在一个群体中形成学生的正确组合,有可能为学习和合作提供一个强大和有效的环境;然而,确定一组学生是一项复杂的任务,必须满足多种限制;这项工作为公平和技能多样化的学生群体形成引入一种不受监督的算法;这是通过考虑到教育办公室提供的学生课程标记和敏感属性来实现的;学生的技能组合是通过Laplacecian eigenmap在未经监督的情况下减少课程标记数据确定的;问题被表述为一个受限制的图表分割问题,即每个群体中技能组合的多样性得到最大化,群体规模根据现有资源被上下限制,敏感属性的“平衡”在群体形成中执行公平方面受到较少限制;这一选择化问题通过整数编程序解决,其有效性体现在伦敦帝国学院的学生课程标记数据集上。