The decoding performance of product codes and staircase codes based on iterative bounded-distance decoding (iBDD) can be improved with the aid of a moderate amount of soft information, maintaining a low decoding complexity. One promising approach is error-and-erasure (EaE) decoding, whose performance can be reliably estimated with density evolution (DE). However, the extrinsic message passing (EMP) decoder required by the DE analysis entails a much higher complexity than the simple intrinsic message passing (IMP) decoder. In this paper, we simplify the EMP decoding algorithm for the EaE channel for two commonly-used EaE decoders by deriving the EMP decoding results from the IMP decoder output and some additional logical operations based on the algebraic structure of the component codes and the EaE decoding rule. Simulation results show that the number of BDD steps is reduced to being comparable with IMP. Furthermore, we propose a heuristic modification of the EMP decoder that reduces the complexity further. In numerical simulations, the decoding performance of the modified decoder yields up to 0.2 dB improvement compared to standard EMP decoding.
翻译:产品编码的解码性能和基于迭代约束远程解码码(iBDDD)的楼梯代码的解码性能可以通过少量软信息帮助改进,保持低解码复杂性。一种有希望的方法是错误和侵蚀(EaE)解码性能,其性能可以通过密度演化(DE)可靠地估算出来。然而,DE分析所要求的外端信息传递(EMP)解码性能比简单的内在信息传递(IMP)解码器(iBDD)的复杂得多。在本文中,我们通过从IMP解码性能解码结果和一些基于组件编码的代谢结构以及EMP解码规则的额外逻辑操作中得出出两个常用的EaE解码者EMP解码性能。模拟结果显示,BDD步骤的数量已减少到与IMP(IMP)解码的相似程度。此外,我们提议对EMP解码的 EMP解码性算法进行超导法修改,进一步降低复杂性。在EMP解码性模拟中,对EMP的升级到DGRAD的升级中,对EDURD的升级进行计算。