We present an interpretable high-resolution spatio-temporal model to estimate COVID-19 deaths together with confirmed cases one-week ahead of the current time, at the county-level and weekly aggregated, in the United States. A notable feature of our spatio-temporal model is that it considers the (a) temporal auto- and pairwise correlation of the two local time series (confirmed cases and death of the COVID-19), (b) dynamics between locations (propagation between counties), and (c) covariates such as local within-community mobility and social demographic factors. The within-community mobility and demographic factors, such as total population and the proportion of the elderly, are included as important predictors since they are hypothesized to be important in determining the dynamics of COVID-19. To reduce the model's high-dimensionality, we impose sparsity structures as constraints and emphasize the impact of the top ten metropolitan areas in the nation, which we refer (and treat within our models) as hubs in spreading the disease. Our retrospective out-of-sample county-level predictions were able to forecast the subsequently observed COVID-19 activity accurately. The proposed multi-variate predictive models were designed to be highly interpretable, with clear identification and quantification of the most important factors that determine the dynamics of COVID-19. Ongoing work involves incorporating more covariates, such as education and income, to improve prediction accuracy and model interpretability.
翻译:我们提出了一种可解释的高分辨率时空模型,用以在美国州一级和每周汇总的州一级和周一级,比目前提前一周对COVID-19死亡情况进行估计,同时对确认病例进行估计。我们时空模型的一个显著特点是,它认为(a) 两个当地时间序列(经确认的案件和COVID-19的死亡情况)之间的时间自动和对称相关性;(b) 不同地点之间的动态(各州之间的通信),以及(c) 诸如当地社区内部流动和社会人口因素等共同变化的准确性。 社区内部流动和人口因素,如人口总数和老年人比例,是作为重要预测因素列入的,因为它们被假定对确定COVI-19动态十分重要。 为了减少模型的高度维度,我们把宽度结构作为制约因素,强调全国十大都市地区的影响,我们称之为(并在模型中处理)传播疾病的中心点。我们所回顾的县一级预测和人口比例因素,例如人口总数和老年人比例等,是作为重要的预测因素列入的重要预测因素,因为它们被假定对COVI-19的动态十分重要。为了准确预测随后所观测到的经常性活动,因此可以精确地将CVI的经常性活动加以解释。