Real-world optimization problems may have a different underlying structure. In black-box optimization, the dependencies between decision variables remain unknown. However, some techniques can discover such interactions accurately. In Large Scale Global Optimization (LSGO), problems are high-dimensional. It was shown effective to decompose LSGO problems into subproblems and optimize them separately. The effectiveness of such approaches may be highly dependent on the accuracy of problem decomposition. Many state-of-the-art decomposition strategies are derived from Differential Grouping (DG). However, if a given problem consists of non-additively separable subproblems, DG-based strategies may discover many non-existing interactions. On the other hand, monotonicity checking strategies proposed so far do not report non-existing interactions for any separable subproblems but may miss discovering many of the existing ones. Therefore, we propose Incremental Recursive Ranking Grouping (IRRG) that suffers from none of these flaws. IRRG consumes more fitness function evaluations than the recent DG-based propositions, e.g., Recursive DG 3 (RDG3). Nevertheless, the effectiveness of the considered Cooperative Co-evolution frameworks after embedding IRRG or RDG3 was similar for problems with additively separable subproblems that are suitable for RDG3. After replacing the additive separability with non-additive, embedding IRRG leads to results of significantly higher quality.
翻译:在黑箱优化中,决定变量之间的依赖性仍然不为人知。然而,有些技术可以准确地发现这种互动。在大规模全球最佳化(LSGO)中,问题是高层面的。事实证明,将LSGO问题分解为子问题并优化这些问题是有效的。这些方法的有效性可能在很大程度上取决于问题分解的准确性。许多最先进的分解战略来自差异组(DG)。然而,如果一个特定的问题包括非相异的分解子问题,基于DG的战略可能会发现许多非存在的相互作用。另一方面,如此之远的单一性检查战略不会报告任何分解子问题不存在的相互作用,但可能错失很多现有问题的准确性。因此,我们建议渐进性分级组(IRRRG)不受这些缺陷的影响。如果一个特定的问题由非相异的分解分解的子问题组成,则基于DG-DG的战略可能会发现许多非存在的交互互动性。 REG3后,RECRDF的大幅变异性框架与REG的变异性后,REG 3,RECRDG的变异性框架与DG的变后,变后,变的变的变性框架是。