We present the first $m\,\text{polylog}(n)$ work, $\text{polylog}(n)$ time algorithm in the PRAM model that computes $(1+\epsilon)$-approximate single-source shortest paths on weighted, undirected graphs. This improves upon the breakthrough result of Cohen~[JACM'00] that achieves $O(m^{1+\epsilon_0})$ work and $\text{polylog}(n)$ time. While most previous approaches, including Cohen's, leveraged the power of hopsets, our algorithm builds upon the recent developments in \emph{continuous optimization}, studying the shortest path problem from the lens of the closely-related \emph{minimum transshipment} problem. To obtain our algorithm, we demonstrate a series of near-linear work, polylogarithmic-time reductions between the problems of approximate shortest path, approximate transshipment, and $\ell_1$-embeddings, and establish a recursive algorithm that cycles through the three problems and reduces the graph size on each cycle. As a consequence, we also obtain faster parallel algorithms for approximate transshipment and $\ell_1$-embeddings with polylogarithmic distortion. The minimum transshipment algorithm in particular improves upon the previous best $m^{1+o(1)}$ work sequential algorithm of Sherman~[SODA'17]. To improve readability, the paper is almost entirely self-contained, save for several staple theorems in algorithms and combinatorics.
翻译:我们展示了第一个 $\,\ text{polylog} (n) 工作, $\ text{polylog} (n) 在 PRAM 模型中的时间算法, 该模型计算了 $( 1 ⁇ epsilon) $ 近似单一来源的最短路径, 在加权的、 不定向的图形中计算。 这在Cohen~[ JACM'00] 的突破结果后有所改进, 达到$( m ⁇ 1 ⁇ ⁇ epsilon_0} 的工作和$\ text{polylogy} (n) 时间。 包括 Cohen's, 利用了跳板的能量, 我们的算法完全建立在 \ emph{ 持续优化的最近动态上, 从与 密切相关的 \ emph{ { minimmilled transaddress 的镜头中研究最短路径问题。 为了获取我们的算法, 我们展示了一系列近线性工作, 多logrialtial- time ral rialtical_ transal1, maxal 和 maxals