A network-based optimization approach, EEE, is proposed for the purpose of providing validation-viable state estimations to remediate the failure of pretrained models. To improve optimization efficiency and convergence, the most important metrics in the context of this research, we follow a three-faceted approach based on the error from the validation process. Firstly, we improve the information content of the error by designing a validation module to acquire high-dimensional error information. Next, we reduce the uncertainty of error transfer by employing an ensemble of error estimators, which only learn implicit errors, and use Constrained Ensemble Exploration to collect high-value data. Finally, the effectiveness of error utilization is improved by using ensemble search to determine the most prosperous state. The benefits of the proposed framework are demonstrated on four real-world engineering problems with diverse state dimensions. It is shown that EEE is either as competitive or outperforms popular optimization methods, in terms of efficiency and convergence.