A local tester for an error correcting code $C\subseteq \Sigma^{n}$ is a tester that makes $Q$ oracle queries to a given word $w\in \Sigma^n$ and decides to accept or reject the word $w$. An optimal local tester is a local tester that has the additional properties of completeness and optimal soundness. By completeness, we mean that the tester must accept with probability $1$ if $w\in C$. By optimal soundness, we mean that if the tester accepts with probability at least $1-\epsilon$ (where $\epsilon$ is small), then it must be the case that $w$ is $O(\epsilon/Q)$-close to some codeword $c\in C$ in Hamming distance. We show that Generalized Reed-Muller codes admit optimal testers with $Q = (3q)^{\lceil{ \frac{d+1}{q-1}\rceil}+O(1)}$ queries. Here, for a prime power $q = p^{k}$, the Generalized Reed-Muller code, RM[n,q,d], consists of the evaluations of all $n$-variate degree $d$ polynomials over $\mathbb{F}_q$. Previously, no tester achieving this query complexity was known, and the best known testers due to Haramaty, Shpilka and Sudan(which is optimal) and due to Ron-Zewi and Sudan(which was not known to be optimal) both required $q^{\lceil{\frac{d+1}{q-q/p} \rceil}}$ queries. Our tester achieves query complexity which is polynomially better than by a power of $p/(p-1)$, which is nearly the best query complexity possible for generalized Reed-Muller codes. The tester we analyze is due to Ron-Zewi and Sudan, and we show that their basic tester is in fact optimal. Our methods are more general and also allow us to prove that a wide class of testers, which follow the form of the Ron-Zewi and Sudan tester, are optimal. This result applies to testers for all affine-invariant codes (which are not necessarily generalized Reed-Muller codes).
翻译:一个优化的本地测试器是一个本地测试器,它对给定的单词$w\in\Sigma^n$进行$Q$个预处理查询,并决定接受或拒绝该单词$w$。通过“完整性”,我们意味着测试器必须以概率1接受$w\in C$。通过最佳声音,我们意味着如果测试器以概率至少$1-\epsilon$(其中$\epsilon$很小),那么必须满足$w$在海明距离上与某个码字$c\in C$的距离为$O(\epsilon/Q)$。我们展示了广义Reed-Muller码可以使用$Q=(3q)^{\lceil{ \frac{d+1}{q-1}\rceil}+O(1)}$个查询实现最优测试。这里,对于素数$q=p^k$,广义Reed-Muller码$RM[n,q,d]$由所有$n$元变量度为$d$的多项式在$\mathbb{F}_q$上的评估组成。以前,没有已知的测试器可以达到这个查询复杂度,而由Haramaty,Shpilka和Sudan和Ron-Zewi和Sudan提出的已知最佳测试器都需要$q^{\lceil{\frac{d+1}{q-q/p} \rceil}}$个查询。我们的测试器通过$p/(p-1)$的幂次多项式改进,具有更优的查询复杂度,这几乎是广义Reed-Muller码的最佳查询复杂度。我们分析的测试器是Ron-Zewi和Sudan的测试器,并且我们展示了他们的基本测试器实际上是最优的。我们的方法更为一般,并且还允许我们证明一类宽泛的遵循Ron-Zewi和Sudan测试器格式的测试器是最优的。这个结果适用于所有仿射不变码的测试器(不一定是广义Reed-Muller码)。