We consider a geometric programming problem consisting in minimizing a function given by the supremum of finitely many log-Laplace transforms of discrete nonnegative measures on a Euclidean space. Under a coerciveness assumption, we show that a $\varepsilon$-minimizer can be computed in a time that is polynomial in the input size and in $|\log\varepsilon|$. This is obtained by establishing bit-size estimates on approximate minimizers and by applying the ellipsoid method. We also derive polynomial iteration complexity bounds for the interior point method applied to the same class of problems. We deduce that the spectral radius of a partially symmetric, weakly irreducible nonnegative tensor can be approximated within $\varepsilon$ error in poly-time. For strongly irreducible tensors, we also show that the logarithm of the positive eigenvector is poly-time computable. Our results also yield that the the maximum of a nonnegative homogeneous $d$-form in the unit ball with respect to $d$-H\"older norm can be approximated in poly-time. In particular, the spectral radius of uniform weighted hypergraphs and some known upper bounds for the clique number of uniform hypergraphs are poly-time computable.