Mail privacy protection aims to prevent unauthorized access to hidden content within an envelope since normal paper envelopes are not as safe as we think. In this paper, for the first time, we show that with a well designed deep learning model, the hidden content may be largely recovered without opening the envelope. We start by modeling deep learning-based privacy attacks on physical mail content as learning the mapping from the camera-captured envelope front face image to the hidden content, then we explicitly model the mapping as a combination of perspective transformation, image dehazing and denoising using a deep convolutional neural network, named Neural-STE (See-Through-Envelope). We show experimentally that hidden content details, such as texture and image structure, can be clearly recovered. Finally, our formulation and model allow us to design envelopes that can counter deep learning-based privacy attacks on physical mail.
翻译:邮件隐私保护的目的是防止未经授权获取封封内隐藏的内容,因为普通纸封并不象我们想象的那样安全。 在本文中,我们第一次显示,有了设计完善的深层学习模式,隐藏的内容可能大部分在不打开信封的情况下被收回。 我们首先将基于深层学习的隐私攻击物理邮件内容作为模型,从摄像头封封头图像到隐藏内容的映射中学习深层次学习的隐私攻击,然后我们明确地将映射作为观点转换、图像脱色和脱色的组合,使用名为Neoral-STE(见Through-Empellope)的深层神经网络。我们实验性地显示,隐藏的内容细节,如纹理和图像结构,可以被清晰地恢复。最后,我们的配制和模型允许我们设计能够抵御对物理邮件进行深层学习隐私攻击的包。