Tactile perception using vibration sensation helps robots recognize their environment's physical properties and perform complex tasks. A sliding motion is applied to target objects to generate tactile vibration data. However, situations exist where such a sliding motion is infeasible due to geometrical constraints in the environment or an object's fragility which cannot resist friction forces. This paper explores a novel approach to achieve vibration-based tactile perception without a sliding motion. To this end, our key idea is injecting a mechanical vibration into a soft tactile sensor system and measuring the propagated vibration inside it by a sensor. Soft tactile sensors are deformed by the contact state, and the touched objects' shape or texture should change the characteristics of the vibration propagation. Therefore, the propagated-vibration data are expected to contain useful information for recognizing touched environments. We developed a prototype system for a proof-of-concept: a mechanical vibration is applied to a biomimetic (soft and vibration-based) tactile sensor from a small, mounted piezoelectric actuator. As a verification experiment, we performed two classification tasks for sandpaper's grit size and a slit's gap widths using our approach and compared their accuracies with that of using sliding motions. Our approach resulted in 70% accuracy for the grit size classification and 99% accuracy for the gap width classification. These results are comparable to or better than the comparison methods with a sliding motion.
翻译:使用振动振动的触动感知, 帮助机器人识别其环境的物理特性, 并完成复杂的任务。 将滑动运动应用到目标对象上, 以生成触动振动数据。 但是, 存在这样滑动运动由于环境中的几何限制或一个物体的脆弱性而无法抵御摩擦力, 环境的几何限制或物体的脆弱性使得这种滑动运动不可行。 本文探讨了一种新颖的方法, 以便在不滑动的情况下实现振动的触动感知, 而不滑动动作。 为此, 我们的关键想法是将机械振动注入一个软触动传感器系统, 测量传感器内部传播的振动。 软触动传感器被接触状态变形, 被触动的物体的形状或纹理应该改变振动传播的特性。 因此, 传播振动振动数据预计将包含识别被触动环境的有用信息。 我们开发了一个测试的原型系统: 机械振动将机械振动应用到一个生物模拟( 软和振动) 滚动感应感应感应传感器的感应感应感应感应感应感应感应感应感应感应感应感应感应感应感应器, 。 。 。 作为核查实验实验实验的比力比力的精度方法, 我们运用了一种比力力力力力力力力的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度的精度方法, 。