Multi-product formulas are linear combinations of Trotter circuits offering high-quality simulation of Hamiltonian time evolution with fewer Trotter steps. Here we report two contributions aimed at making multi-product formulas more viable for near-term quantum simulations. First, we extend the theory of Trotter error with commutator scaling developed by Childs, Su, Tran et al. to multi-product formulas. Our result implies that multi-product formulas can achieve a quadratic reduction of Trotter error on arbitrary time intervals compared with the regular product formulas without increasing the required circuit depth or qubit connectivity. The number of circuit repetitions grows only by a constant factor. Secondly, we introduce dynamic multi-product formulas with time-dependent coefficients chosen to minimize a certain efficiently computable proxy for the Trotter error. Numerical simulations suggest that the error achieved by the dynamic multi-product formulas is close to the optimal one.