Target speaker extraction aims to extract the speech of a specific speaker from a multi-talker mixture as specified by an auxiliary reference. Most studies focus on the scenario where the target speech is highly overlapped with the interfering speech. However, this scenario only accounts for a small percentage of real-world conversations. In this paper, we aim at the sparsely overlapped scenarios in which the auxiliary reference needs to perform two tasks simultaneously: detect the activity of the target speaker and disentangle the active speech from any interfering speech. We propose an audio-visual speaker extraction model named ActiveExtract, which leverages speaking activity from audio-visual active speaker detection (ASD). The ASD directly provides the frame-level activity of the target speaker, while its intermediate feature representation is trained to discriminate speech-lip synchronization that could be used for speaker disentanglement. Experimental results show our model outperforms baselines across various overlapping ratios, achieving an average improvement of more than 4 dB in terms of SI-SNR.