Job titles are the most fundamental building blocks for occupational data mining tasks, such as Career Modelling and Job Recommendation. However, there are no publicly available dataset to support such efforts. In this work, we present the Industrial and Professional Occupations Dataset (IPOD), which is a comprehensive corpus that consists of over 190,000 job titles crawled from over 56,000 profiles from Linkedin. To the best of our knowledge, IPOD is the first dataset released for industrial occupations mining. We use a knowledge-based approach for sequence tagging, creating a gazzetteer with domain-specific named entities tagged by 3 experts. All title NE tags are populated by the gazetteer using BIOES scheme. Finally, We develop 4 baseline models for the dataset on NER task with several models, including Linear Regression, CRF, LSTM and the state-of-the-art bi-directional LSTM-CRF. Both CRF and LSTM-CRF outperform human in both exact-match accuracy and f1 scores.