项目名称: 海岛棉显性无腺体基因Gl2e的克隆及功能验证
项目编号: No.31201250
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 食品科学、农学基础与作物学
项目作者: 胡艳
作者单位: 南京农业大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 棉酚具有一定的毒性,其存在极大地限制了棉籽中的丰富的棉籽蛋白及油脂资源的有效利用。棉酚又与腺体的存在密切相关。然而腺体发生形成的分子机制是什么?腺体发育与棉酚之间究竟是一种什么样的调控关系?这些都是亟待探索和解决的重要问题。Gl2e基因是目前发现的唯一一个控制腺体有无的显性单基因。在前期研究中,我们运用基因组学、生物信息学结合功能基因组学研究方法和技术,针对该控制棉酚腺体性状的关键基因Gl2e,构建了大规模的遗传分离群体,进行了基因的精细定位,获得了包含Gl2e基因的BAC克隆并获得了BAC全长序列。在此基础上,本研究将进一步分析本研究我们将对候选ORF进行深入研究,通过基因表达分析、染色体定位,最终克隆出Gl2e基因并进行功能验证。本研究为揭示腺体形成的分子机理,最终创制棉籽中棉酚含量低而植株其他部位棉酚含量高的新材料,为棉花低酚育种提供理论与材料基础。
中文关键词: 棉花;腺体;棉酚合成;分子机制;
英文摘要: Cottonseed is rich in protein, fat, carbohydrate, cellulose and mineral elements and so on, yet it is underutilized due to the presence of gossypol, a binaphthyl terpene in pigmented glands throughout nearly whole plant and is toxic to human and non-ruminant animals. The content of secondary metabolite is closely related to the quantity of storage organ just as gossypol and pigment gland. Although the relationship between gossypol and pigment gland has been studied for a long time, the development mechanism of pigment gland has not been investigated at molecular level. What kind of regulatory relations between them? These are the urgent need to explore and resolve important issues. Gl2e was found the only one dominant glandless gene of cotton which control pigment gland. In the preliminary work,the Gl2e gene was fine-mapped using a large scale segregating population and a BAC clone with Gl2e gene was contained by genomics,bioinformatics methods and techniques. The BAC was full-length sequenced and analyzed with the function of genes annotated. In this study, we will further study of these ORFs and identify the real candidate Gl2e gene by characteristics of gene expression and transgenic method. Cloning and functional identification of Gl2e can help us further study the molecular mechanism of pigment gland, relat
英文关键词: cotton;gland;gossypol biosynthesis;moecular mechasim;