项目名称: 无盲区CCD激光雷达的边界层气溶胶高分辨垂直廓线探测方法研究
项目编号: No.41475001
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 苑克娥
作者单位: 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院
项目金额: 92万元
中文摘要: 灰霾事件频发的今天,边界层底部气溶胶的分布探测对人类健康和气候变化的研究具有重要意义。受限于系统盲区和几何因子的影响,常规单端米散射激光雷达的近端测量结果通常存在误差.为此,本项目提出利用CCD激光雷达无盲区的探测边界层底部气溶胶的垂直分布的新方法。 本项目拟从理论分析和数值仿真着手,基于CCD激光雷达方程建立近地面层气溶胶垂直廓线分布反演的理论模型,开展散射相函数对大气消光系数反演的敏感性分析,寻找CCD激光雷达反演气溶胶垂直廓线的约束解;开展CCD激光雷达反演散射相函数的方法研究和实验探测,精确获得散射相函数的全角度(0-180度)的分布;最后利用CCD激光雷达开展边界层底部气溶胶高分辨垂直廓线分布的实验研究,最高空间分辨率预计达1米,选择不同天气条件下长期实验结果,分析近地面至几百米高度范围大气气溶胶分布的精细结构及时空间变化规律,为气候环境变化的研究提供可靠的数据服务。
中文关键词: 边界层;CCD激光雷达;气溶胶;消光系数
英文摘要: At present,haze events occurr frequently. It is very important for human health and climate change that measurement on aerosol with high vertical resolution in the boundary layer. Affected by blind area and overlapped region, the results of conventional mono-static aerosol Mie lidar are usually not correct. A new detection method is proposed in this project, which high vertical resolution of aerosol would be measured in the lower boundary layer, using CCD lidar with no blind area. Researchs presented in this application will focus on several aspects. Firstly, The theoretical model will be set up for high vertical resolution distribution of aerosol in the lower boundary layer using a CCD lidar equation. Sensitivity analysis of aerosol scattering phrase function to aerosol extinction vertical profile retrieving will be developed. Solution to a CCD lidar equation will also be looked for. Secondly, method study and experimental detection will be focused on retrieval of aerosol scattering phrase function from CCD lidar images. Accurate results of scattering phrase function including 0-180 degree can be achived. Finally, Using CCD liar experiments will carried out for high vertical resolution distribution of aerosol in the lower boundary layer, with a most resolution of 1meter. Under different weather conditions, aerosol vertical fine distribution and its temporal-spatial variations will be observed between near ground to several hundreds of meters. Reliable data service will be gived for for the study of climate change.
英文关键词: The boundary layer;CCD lidar;Aerosol;Extinction coefficient