项目名称: 矮牵牛ODO1和EOBII基因启动子互作的ERFs在花香合成调节中的作用研究
项目编号: No.31470700
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 农业科学
项目作者: 余义勋
作者单位: 华南农业大学
项目金额: 85万元
中文摘要: 花香是观赏植物的重要品质,近年来研究发现,矮牵牛等植物的花香合成受乙烯调节,但乙烯调节花香合成的分子机制还不清楚。本课题组前期研究发现,乙烯处理会显著减少牵牛两个重要花香调节转录因子ODO1和EOBII基因的表达,且该两基因的启动子区域均含有乙烯应答因子ERF的结合区域ERE box。我们推测乙烯可能通过其信号组分ERF调节ODO1和EOBII基因的表达来抑制花香合成。本申请项目拟筛选与ODO1和EOBII启动子结合的ERF转录因子,分析其时空表达、对乙烯的应答以及亚细胞定位;利用VIGS和转基因技术分别减少和增加ERF基因在植株中的表达,测定花香成分的合成量以及花香相关基因的表达量,鉴定ERF在花香合成调节中的功能。该研究对揭示乙烯调节花香合成的分子机理以及改良观赏植物花香品质具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 花香;分子机理;矮牵牛;转录因子;乙烯
英文摘要: Floral scent is one of the most important qualities of ornamental plant. In recent years, some research showed that ethylene is the important regulator of scent formation in petunia. Yet, it is not known how does ethylene regulate volatile production and emission and which components of ethylene signal transduction pathway are involved in the regulation. We have verified that ethylene treatment significantly reduced the expression of ODO1 and EOBII genes, whose promoters included ERE box motif, which is the binding domain of ethylene response factor (ERF). We further propose that ethylene reduces the scent by ERF regulating the expression of ODO1 and EOBII genes. In this application, we will identify the ERFs that interact with the promoters of ODO1 and EOBII genes and further analyze the spatial and temporal expression patterns for these genes. The effects of ethylene on expression of the genes will be analyzed and subcellular localization of the binding protein will be on by fluorescence techniques. The full long cDNA of the genes will be cloned and the effect of these genes on flower scent will be analyzed by VIGS and transgenic technology. The results will be important for the regulation of flower scent biosynthesis and the breeding of improving the floral scent.
英文关键词: flower scent;molecular mechanism;petunia;transcription factor;ethylene