项目名称: 电子辐照硅材料中亚稳态缺陷的形成与转化
项目编号: No.50872028
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 金属学与金属工艺
项目作者: 陈贵锋
作者单位: 河北工业大学
项目金额: 36万元
中文摘要: 超大规模集成电路的高速发展对硅单晶材料提出了越来越严格的要求,控制和消除直拉硅中的微缺陷是硅材料发展面临的最关键问题。本课题人为地在单晶硅中通过电子辐照引入缺陷,对辐照后样品进行不同条件热处理,同时结合傅立叶变换红外光谱仪、四探针电阻仪等方法对辐照缺陷的退火行为,以及辐照缺陷对电学性能、氧沉淀的影响等方面进行研究,揭示了硅中亚稳态辐照缺陷的存在状态、转化规律及同硅中氧、氮的相互作用,排除施主的干扰,找到了较理想的退火工艺并与器件工艺相结合,实现对硅中杂质缺陷的控制与利用。
中文关键词: 单晶硅;电子辐照;缺陷工程
英文摘要: With the rapid development of ultra large-scale integrated circuits, the requirements on silicon materials become increasingly stringent. The control and elimination of micro-defects in monocrystalline silicon is the most important issue for the development of silicon materials. Defects induced by electron irradiation can control and use the as-grown defects in silicon. In this dissertation, based on the irradiation by electron, the electrics performance, the irradiated defects behavior, the oxygen precipitation behavior, the relationship between irradiation defects and oxygen or nitrogen, and the IG process have been intensively investigated. Finally, we have found the better annealing process and obtained the methods and technologies which can control the above defects in irradiated monocrystalline silicon.
英文关键词: monocrystalline silicon; electron irradiation; defects engineering