项目名称: 基于InAs衬底的新型超晶格甚长波红外探测材料研究
项目编号: No.61505237
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 王芳芳
作者单位: 中国科学院上海技术物理研究所
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 甚长波红外探测器在航天、国防、生物医学、环保等领域有着重要而广泛的应用,但其材料制备难度大、器件暗电流高严重制约了甚长波红外探测技术的发展。本项目提出一种基于InAs衬底的新型超晶格甚长波红外探测材料,通过InAs衬底替代传统的GaSb衬底,解决随着截止波长增加InAs层厚度增加导致的应变增大、材料缺陷密度增大的问题;通过GaAs界面替代InSb界面提高超晶格生长温度,探索降低材料缺陷密度、提高少子寿命的新途径、新方法。本项目将结合半导体能带工程和多种测试手段,探索InAs基超晶格材料结构的优化设计和分子束外延生长工艺,获得InAs基超晶格甚长波探测器生长温度、基本结构与材料性能、响应截止波长、少子寿命的关系,建立新型InAs基甚长波超晶格材料的分子束外延生长工艺。在此基础上获得截止波长超过16微米的InAs基超晶格材料和单元器件,为发展高性能甚长波红外焦平面探测器提供新的材料技术基础。
中文关键词: InAs基II类超晶格;甚长波红外探测;结构设计;;分子束外延生长技术;少子寿命
英文摘要: Very long wavelength infrared (VLWIR) detectors have important and wide applications such as space based astronomy, national defense, biomedicine and environmental protection, but the great difficulty in material growth and the high dark current have seriously restricted the development of the VLWIR detection technology. We propose a new VLWIR superlattice detecting material based on the InAs substrate. Through the instead of the traditional GaSb substrate by the InAs substrate, the new material can solve the strain increasing problem and the material defect density increasing problem caused by the InAs layer thickness in one period increasing with the cutoff wavelength expanding. Through the instead of the InSb interface by the GaAs interface, the superlattice growth temperature can increase a lot, and the new approaches of reducing the material defect density and increasing the minority carrier lifetime can be further explored. Combined with the semiconductor bandengineering and a variety of measured methods, this project will explore the design and optimization of InAs-based superlattice structures and the molecular beam epitaxial (MBE) growth process of InAs-based superlattice materials, obtain the relationship between the InAs-based superlattice growth temperature, superlattice basic structure and the material properties, the response cutoff wavelength, and the minority carrier lifetime, and built the new InAs-based superlattice MBE growth technology. Based on these studies, this project will finally obtain theInAs-based superlattice material with cutoff wavelength longer than 16 μm and the corresponding single element, supplying new material technology foundation for the development of high performance VLWIR detectors.
英文关键词: InAs-based type-II superlattice;very long wavelength infrared detection;structure design;MBE growth technology;minority carrier lifetime