项目名称: 相变动力学理论
项目编号: No.11271271
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 马天
作者单位: 四川大学
项目金额: 60万元
中文摘要: 临界现象与相变是自然中存在的普遍现象。所谓相变就是指当系统的一个参数在临界值附近变化时,物理状态发生跃迁和突变的行为。这些问题的研究成为非线性科学的中心课题。该项目申请者与美国印第安纳大学汪守宏教授合作近年来系统的发展了一套非线性耗散系统的动态跃迁理论。该理论的基本特点就是它从自然现象中抽象而来,因而它能有效的应用到自然科学中广泛存在的相变问题。本项目的主要目标就是应用这个理论体系对统计物理中的平衡相变,量子相变,以及流体动力学,大气海洋环流动力学,Belousov-Zhabotinsky化学反应及生物生态学中非平衡相变问题建立动力学理论。其中心内容就是1)建立一个动力学分类(共三类)及其判别理论;2)建立相变的全局跃迁结构理论;3)对一些缺乏模型的相变问题建立合适的动力学方程;4)应用该动力学理论在非线性科学的相变领域取得新的物理结论、预言,现象解释和机理。
中文关键词: 相变动力学;动态跃迁理论;厄尔尼诺振荡;PVT系统相变;超导与超流现象
英文摘要: The critical phenomena and phase trasition are frequently occurent events in nature. The phase transition is the physical state change as a system parameter at the critical points. Phase transition problems have become center subjects in nonlinear sciences. Recently, the author coorperated with Professor Shouhong Wang developed a set of dynamic transiton theory for nonlinear disspative systems, by which we can treat and solve a lot of phase transition problems coming from equilibrium phase transition in statistic physics, fluid dynamics, atmospheric and oceanic circulation dynamics, chemistry, biology and ecology. In this project, our objective is to establish a dynamic theory for the phase transition occuring universally in nonlinear sciences. The center task is: 1)set a transition classification theory; 2)develop a global transition structure theory; 3)find new models for the physics,chemistry,biology,atmospheric and oceanic dynamics; 4)applying the new theories and methods to get some physical conclusions, pridicts and explainations for some unknown phenomena.
英文关键词: Phase transition dynamics;Dynamic transition theory;El Nino oscillation;Phase transition in PVT systems;Superconductivity and superfluidity