项目名称: 副溶血弧菌外膜蛋白抗原组学
项目编号: No.40876076
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 彭宣宪
作者单位: 中山大学
项目金额: 49万元
中文摘要: 细菌病害严重影响水产动物养殖业的发展,采用疫苗进行防制是必由之路。因而,研制新型高效疫苗控制病害是一项紧迫任务。本研究采用免疫蛋白质组学技术,结合基因克隆和免疫攻毒等方法,以模式大肠杆菌为参照,以严重危害我国各地养殖代表性病原菌-副溶血弧菌为研究对象,探讨其外膜蛋白的抗原组学。项目通过比较深入系统的研究,发现宿主对外膜蛋白群体识别具有层次性,单个外膜蛋白能够调节宿主对群体外膜蛋白的识别,外膜蛋白的量变也能够导致宿主对其识别的差异,并筛选出3个高效多价的免疫保护原,用于新型疫苗的研制。这些研究结果阐明了宿主对群体外膜蛋白进行免疫识别的特点,揭示了宿主识别群体抗原规律,对发现高效疫苗候选保护原具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 高效疫苗;外膜蛋白;免疫识别;免疫蛋白质组学
英文摘要: Bacterium is still a major cause of many infectious diseases and a global threat to aquaculture. Prevention by vaccination is the most efficient and economical way of ?ghting bacterial diseases. Thus,development of novel efficient vaccines for controlling of bacterial diseases is highly concerned. In the present study, immunoproteomics approach with gene cloning and bacterial challenge is used to investigate the antigome of outer membrane proteins from V. parahaemolyticus, an aquaculture pathogen distributed widely in China, using a model bacterium E.coli as a reference. Our systematic investigation indicates that hosts may divide bacterial outer membrane proteins into different levels for immune recognition when they meet a pool of antigens, and quantitative and qualitative changes of outer membrane proteins, even one protein, may alter and regulate the recognition. Furthermore, three highly efficient protective immunogens are identified for development of new vaccines. These results clarify the characteristics of host's recognition to a pool of outer membrane proteins, disclose the rule of the recognition, and thus are important in identification of highly efficient protective immunogens.
英文关键词: highly efficient vaccines; outer membrane proteins; immune recognition; immunoproteomics